When you think of working out, staying at home probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. However, you can burn plenty of calories, right in the comfort of your own home! Oftentimes, it can be tough to get to the gym, or maybe that’s not where you’re comfortable doing your workouts – and that’s okay!
If you’re choosing to work out at home, you might not have access to a ton of equipment (i.e. dumbbells, barbells, medicine balls, etc.), but thankfully you can still get in a killer workout using just one thing – your bodyweight. There are several reasons why bodyweight workouts are so beneficial, but let’s check out just a few!
At Home Bodyweight Training Benefits
For one, bodyweight exercises can be done anywhere! The privacy of your backyard, in your living room, at your local park – you name it, you can do it wherever you’re motivated! Secondly, bodyweight workouts are perfect for everyone on the fitness spectrum. From beginner exercisers to advanced athletes, bodyweight workouts can be modified to fit anyone’s goals. Lastly, bodyweight training gives you a ton of options to choose from in regards to programming; so, not only will you not get bored, but you can change up your workout as often as you want, and continue to see forward progress!
Check out some movements that you can do to strengthen and tone your body, without using any weights at all!
Upper Body At Home Exercises
Start on hands and knees on the floor. Extend your legs out straight behind you with weight on your toes, ensuring that your wrists stay directly under your shoulders (like a front plank position). Engage your core and keep your back flat as you lower your body (as one unit) down toward the ground, pausing for a count before pressing through your palms back into your plank position.
Start standing, with feet shoulder-width apart. Hinge forward at the hips and bring your hands down toward the ground, walking your hands out until you are in a front plank. Pause for a count, then walk your hands back toward your feet. Slowly unhinge and return to a standing position.
Lower Body At Home Exercises
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and shoulders down and back. Sit your hips down and back like you’re sitting in a chair, keeping your chest high. Squat down until your thighs are parallel with the ground, then press through your heels and squeeze your glutes to return to a standing position.
Start with feet shoulder-width apart, then take a large step forward with your right foot. From here, keep your chest high, and lower your left knee to the ground (so from the side, both knees are at 90-degree angles). Pause for a count, then press through your right heel and return to a standing position. Repeat on the opposite side.
Home Cardio Exercises
Start in a standing position, then hinge forward at the hips and bring your hands down to the ground. From here, step or jump back into a plank position (with shoulders directly over wrists), then jump your feet forward to the outside of your hands. Stand up straight again to repeat the movement.
Bear Crawl
Start on hands and knees with core engaged. From here, lift yourself up so that your weight is on your hands and toes (but knees are still bent). Take a big step forward with your right foot, while simultaneously moving your left hand forward. Alternate sides as you move yourself forward across the floor, keeping your hips low and core tight.
These are just a few of the bodyweight movements that you can do at home to stay in shape; if you need an idea of how to put them together, check out the quick workouts below!
Home Bodyweight Workout Examples
Lower Body Burner (3 rounds total)
- Burpees x :30 seconds
- Squats x 12 reps
- Bearcrawl x :30 seconds
- Lunges x 12 reps
Total Body Tabata
Perform the given movement for :20 seconds, rest for :10 seconds, for a total of 8 rounds
- Pushups (4 minutes total)
- Squats (4 minutes total)
- Front plank (4 minutes total)
- Inchworms (4 minutes total)