There is no wrong way to get into fitness. What starts you down the path to better health and fitness may be a motivational video or purchasing workout equipment. But, no matter where you begin, we have 10 important tips to help you stay successful.
1. Set A Series Of Workout Goals
It is important to have stretch goals to look forward to when you are new to fitness. But, instead of just saying you want to run a marathon or bench press your body weight, create a series of goals that will help you reach these goals.
So, if your aim is to run a marathon, start training for a 5K while setting other distance markers to help you reach your ultimate goal. The same can apply to other types of fitness.
2. Create A Realistic Schedule
Sometimes, it can feel like if you don’t start working out 6-7 days a week immediately, you are a failure. For most people, that kind of schedule isn’t realistic and is setting them up to give up on working out altogether.
Instead, create a realistic schedule you know you can stick to such as working out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. By picking 2-3 days of the week as a beginner, you can build up to adding more days or stick to your manageable workout schedule.
3. Focus On Posture
Focusing on the mechanics of fitness is a key way to avoid becoming injured. Rather than pushing yourself to improve faster, hone in on achieving correct posture. Every type of fitness activity has recommended posture guidelines, and by emphasizing the right body mechanics, you are less likely to become injured as you go further on your fitness journey.
4. Give Yourself Time To Adjust
Many people who were formerly fit can struggle with returning to working out, as their bodies cannot perform at the level they used to previously. All beginners and restarters need to give themselves time to adjust to new workouts.
5. Incorporate Multiple Fitness Activities
While it may be tempting to stick with one type of fitness activity, this focus can leave other parts of your body weaker than the rest. When this weakness occurs, you are more likely to become injured.
So, make a concentrated effort to choose at least one fitness activity a week to help your body work differently than you normally do.
6. Hydrate With Water, Not Sports Drinks
Some beginners fall for the fitness marketing hype and feel like they need special sports drinks and mixes to optimize their performance. The reality is that there is little to no science behind the efficacy of these drinks and mixes, beyond the boost of caffeine and/or sugar.
Instead, hydrate with water. It’s what your body truly needs to replenish energy and repair itself. If you are worried about electrolyte replenishment, use natural sources such as lemons, sea salt, and leafy greens like spinach.
7. Be Patient With Your Body
Many fitness experts talk about times where they just hit a wall physically. While fitness veterans know the feelings of exhaustion and lowered performance are temporary, this wall can be incredibly discouraging for beginners.
There is no predetermined time when you will struggle with feeling too tired and unable to work out at a high level. Be patient with yourself when these blocks arise and maybe take an extra rest day to help you break through.
8. Always Warm-up And Cool-down
The temptation to skip warm-ups and cool-downs is common with both beginners and veterans. But skimping on these exercises can be a fast-pass to injury. You don’t have to take more than 5-10 minutes on your warm-ups and cool-downs, so make them count.
9. Choose Home Workout Equipment Carefully
If there is something you don’t want to impulse-buy, it’s your home workout equipment. This equipment can make your workout activities accessible and help you improve your fitness faster or completely derail your fitness plans if it breaks down.
You can use our NordicTrack promotion codes to help you purchase top-quality equipment at a discounted price.
10. Consult With Your Doctor
If you are over 45 or have health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure or other medically-monitored issues, consult with your doctor before you begin any new form of exercise. This step will ensure that you are safe as you work on improving yourself.
By implementing these 10 tips, you should be ready to tackle the challenges of starting to become fit.