Before the excitement of Halloween and spooky treats takes over, you may want to check out some reliable health resources. As October 15-19 is also National Health Education Week this year, our fitness enthusiasts at NordicTrack Coupon wanted to do our part and provide you with top-notch resources to better care for your health
Use These Resources To Help Educate Your Children
It is important that parents continually provide their children with health education information as misinformation can be disastrous. But teaching about health concepts you don’t have the strongest grasp on can be incredibly difficult.
An excellent, well-updated resource parents can use is the American School Health Association resources page. They maintain a list of resources, linking to the CDC, Department of Education, and other trustworthy sources, to help families learn about topics such as:
- Bullying and Suicide
- Food Allergies
- Media Literacy
- Obesity
- School Safety
- Sexual Health
This list of resources is in alphabetical order, so you can easily find the topic you want to cover and work from there.
Master The Correct Fitness Movements
Many of us turn to the internet when we aren’t sure how to do different workouts and fitness moves. For instance, say you want to know the proper form for squatting. You can easily find an example, but how do you know that they are performing the exercise correctly?
The American Council on Exercise has a great fitness library, showing you various fitness moves from yoga to lifting. When you select a movement, you will see:
- What level of difficulty to expect
- Step-by-step instructions
- What equipment (if any) is required
- A gif to help you visualize
With this resource, you don’t have to rely on questionable YouTube videos anymore.
Take A Free Nutrition Course
You can read hundreds of articles on nutrition, but if you don’t understand the basics, you won’t be able to spot the large amounts of bad nutritional advice you may come across. To help you sort the good from the bad, you can take a professor-led course on food, nutrition, and your health from Open2Study.
The lessons are broken up into four learning modules, with videos, quizzes, and assessments to help you develop a deeper understanding of what you have learned. You will cover:
- Basic Nutrition
- Dietary Intake
- Eating Disorders
- Healthful Nutrition
Learn More About Mental Health
Being healthy doesn’t only include your physical health. To better support your mental health and to dispel the misinformation on this crucial topic, the National Alliance on Mental Illness is a top-notch resource. On their website, you can find:
- Research on mental health
- Infographics and fact sheets for fast information
- Mental health warning signs
- What are the various mental health conditions
Much of the stigma surrounding mental health is due to a lack of information. By educating yourself and your family, you can help eliminate that stigma.
Another great way to support your health this week is by investing in the best home gym equipment. You can use our NordicTrack promotion codes to save on top-rated fitness machines and improve your body as you improve your mind.